John Hennessy and David Patterson’s Turing lecture proclaimed that a new golden age of computer architecture is upon us—one where specialized hardware accelerators will become ubiquitous and replace general-purpose architectures for the most computationally demanding tasks.
There is however, one small problem: designing hardware is hard, especially if you come from a software background. Hardware design languages operate with the low-level abstractions of gates, wires, and clocks cycles and rely on proprietary, vendor-locked toolchains to accomplish anything. While this may be acceptable for people designing state of the art processor chips, it is clearly untenable in the golden age of computer architecture where rapid iteration of hardware is going to be key.
Our group at the Cornell believes that hardware design should be easy—instead of needing person-years of work to develop a simple accelerator, building one should be a simple weekend job. This vision mirrors the progression of software development—deploying a new website, service, or app is something software engineers consider to be boring, simple tasks that take a few line of python to accomplish. Hardware design should be the same.
The first step towards this goal is designing new, high-level languages that abstract over the low-level details of hardware design and help programmers iterate on hardware accelerators quickly. We think that rapid innovation in language design is key for unlocking the true potential of hardware accelerators in the future. To further this goal, we’ve been building Calyx, a compiler infrastructure and ecosystem that supports new high-level languages for designing hardware accelerators. The equivalent of Calyx in the software world would be the LLVM compiler infrastructure that handles the “boring” aspects of building a language: optimization, debugging, testing, etc.
Calyx aims to be the LLVM of accelerator design languages and make it easier for researchers and practitioners to prototype new languages without having to build all the tedious machinery required to build a “real” language. This post is an overview of the infrastructure and ecosystem we’re building around Calyx. It also celebrates roughly one year since the submission of the original Calyx paper.
Simplifying the Hardware Workflow
Hardware workflows are notoriously complicated, requiring invocation and chaining of dozens of commands before you get anything working. This problem is magnified when compiling high-level languages to hardware design languages since you need invoke even more tools. For example, here is the set of commands needed to simulate a hardware design written in Dahlia (a C-like accelerator design language) with Verilator:
# Generate Calyx IR from Dahlia
% dahlia/fuse -b calyx --lower -l error -o out.futil
# Generate Verilog from Calyx IR
% calyx/futil -b verilog out.futil -o
# Compile Verilog using Verilator
% verilator -cc --trace --exe testbench.cpp \
--exe --build --top-module main
# Execute the generated Verilator code.
% ./Vmain # Execute the Verilator model
Every time the original Dahlia file is changed, these commands need to be re-run! Now consider that Calyx currently supports five frontends like Dahlia and four backends and the complexity of working with hardware toolchains becomes self-evident. Being an academic research group, this became a particular pain point for us since on boarding new students to the project required weeks of background learning about compilers, simulators, and funky CLI tools.
We set out to address this using fud
, a python-based hardware
workflow manager.
is built around the idea of “stages” which provide a way for transforming
a set of input files (say a Dahlia source file) into output files (say a file
with Calyx IR).
can also chain sequences of stages to transform files several times.
For example, the following fud
command runs all the necessary steps to
compile a Dahlia source file through Calyx and simulate it with Verilator:
% fud exec input.fuse --from dahlia --to dat \
-s inputs.json
When given this command, fud
invokes the right compiler toolchains, marshals
input data to Verilator and generates output in a readable format.
also makes it trivial to switch between various frontends and backends.
For example, to simulate the same design with Icarus Verilog,
we simplify run the command:
% fud exec input.fuse --from dahlia --to dat \
--through icarus-verilog -s inputs.json
We’ve built fud
so that extending it with new frontends and backends is easy:
you simply write a python file that defines the stage
transformation and register it with fud
Calyx on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)
Simulating a hardware design using software tools like Verilator and making them run on an FPGA are two very different challenges. Running something on an FPGA requires generating the configuration files, host code, and circuitry to interface the design with a CPU controller. Over the last year, we’ve been working on an automated flow to run Calyx programs on FPGAs. This represents an exciting step in making Calyx a useful infrastructure for accelerator design languages—developers can focus on building new languages and Calyx will handle the tedious task of making things work on FPGAs.

In order to support Xilinx FPGAs, we implemented an AXI interface so that host
programs can communicate with kernels running on an FPGA.
We wrote a interface wrapper in Verilog that translates AXI commands into the go/done
style interface that Calyx components expect as well as copies memory into
local BRAMs that Calyx components can access them.
The Xilinx tools require several different metadata files alongside the Verilog
We automated the creation of these files with fud
to make interacting with
these tools more seamless.
The only piece of the puzzle that is manual at the moment is writing OpenCL
host code to integrate the kernel into an application.
While we are not looking to completely automate writing the host code, we would
like to write a generic host that understands the same data format we use for
simulation to enable easier validation.
While we are able to support the specific Xilinx boards, we do not yet have a general solution. A missing piece in the puzzle is a generic interface and intermediate representation that can target arbitrary boards. Thankfully, our collaborators at the University of Washington have been developing exactly this.
New Frontends
Calyx’s development as a language and an infrastructure is driven by frontends that make use of it. Since the publication of our paper, we have implemented two new frontends that can be used to stress test Calyx.
TVM Relay
TVM is a compiler for machine learning frameworks that can optimize and target kernels to several different backends. Our TVM frontend compiles TVM’s internal IR, called Relay, to Calyx IR, and can successfully simulate small neural networks. Relay instructions are quite high-level, implementing operators such as a two-dimensional convolution. In order to side-step manually generating such operators in Calyx and to simplify debugging, we instead generate Dahlia programs to implement these operators.
In Calyx #504, we successfully simulated a LeNet network model. Of course LeNet is an extremely simple neural network and our long-term goal is to support modern networks. Our next target is the VGG network. However, we’ve also realized while building this network that simple, Verilator-based simulation is going to be too slow so we’re also working on other efforts like running Calyx on an FPGA and building a fast simulator for Calyx itself.
Number Theoretic Transform (NTT)
The number theoretic transform (NTT) is a generalization of the fast Fourier transform, commonly used as a primitive in homomorphic cryptography. We implemented an NTT pipeline generator produces the NTT transform of some input with the provided bit width and input array size parameters.
Calyx + CIRCT
CIRCT (Circuit IR Compilers and Tools) is a cross-community effort to build
an open-source hardware ecosystem using the MLIR framework.
The MLIR framework represents compilation as a series of transformations between
“dialects” or languages at different levels of abstractions.
In the long-term, the CIRCT community is interested in compiling high-level
languages to hardware designs, which is something Calyx can already do today.
In order to align our efforts, we’ve implemented a Calyx
dialect which can be emitted from other dialects in CIRCT,
transformed by the Calyx compiler, and of course, integrated with fud
The CIRCT developers have also implemented a lowering pass that transforms programs in the SCF dialect, which represents parallel, imperative, loop-based programs, to Calyx. We’re super excited about the future opportunities that this integration brings and will be building tons of new features using it. If you’re excited about CIRCT and Calyx, you can start contributing to the issues.
Calyx Interpreter
Another major infrastructure tool that’s been under-development is a native interpreter for Calyx. It might seem a bit strange to be working on an interpreter given that Calyx already has a compiler; typically language development starts with an interpreter and moves to a compiler later as they are far more efficient. Nevertheless, a Calyx interpreter represents an exciting development for the Calyx ecosystem allowing us to address many different problems: from reducing simulation complexity to verifying compiler passes.
Currently, the primary way to quickly run Calyx code is by compiling it to Verilog and using Verilator to simulate it. In process, however, we end up losing all of the control information represent in the original Calyx program which can be used to optimize simulation. We expect that by using the higher-level control information information in the Calyx program, we can improve simulation speeds by an order of magnitude.
A common problem in circuit simulation is that a large portion of the circuit is not running at any given time but still must be simulated. There are many clever heuristics for identifying the dormant parts of the design and saving time by not simulating them; however Calyx needs no such heuristics. The control structure in Calyx code means that we know precisely what parts of the design are running at any given moment and needn’t waste time simulating portions of the circuit which are known to be dormant. Furthermore, Calyx IR itself has less simulation complexity than the RTL it generates. Since the information available at the IR level is more structured, the simulation itself is free of the complex details that appear at the RTL layer.
A Calyx interpreter will let us develop a better debugging infrastructure with support for traditional tools like breakpoints, pausing execution, and dumping internal state. Today, when designing debuggers for hardware, developers have to trade-off between the fast but opaque simulation on FPGAs or slow but transparent simulation in software simulation. A Calyx interpreter represents the best of both worlds, enabling faster and transparent execution.
As a final note, a simulator is also a boon both for the language itself and the core compiler infrastructure. Being able to run Calyx programs directly means we can perform differential testing on compiler passes and verify that the given changes made by a pass are indeed semantic preserving with respect to the input program. Plus, the act of making the interpreter itself is an excellent way of “hardening” the semantics of the language as it requires making clear decisions on corner cases obscured by the translation to Verilog.
If any of these directions excite you, or you’re just interested in using Calyx as a backend, please reach out to us! We’d love hear from you.